My Crochet Mission

Hi, guys!

If you’re here, that means you’re looking for some yarn inspiration, ideas and maybe even some help. This is exactly why I’ve decided to start this blog.

I have been crocheting for about 8 years now. I know what you’re thinking, “8 years is no expert”, but what I am an expert in is learning from my mistakes, trying to teach others how to avoid those mistakes and, ultimately, just trying to experiment and have fun!

One of the most crucial reasons I’ve decided to start a blog is to help those who have some trouble learning how to read a crochet pattern. You know you’ve been there before. You stumble upon this beautiful crochet item only to find a written pattern for it. Am I right? The problem is that you’ve been following along with YouTube tutorials and how-to’s, only. Maybe this is the way you learned, initially, how to crochet. There is nothing wrong with following videos, but there are some cons.

Those cons being:

– Limited patterns

You know you can hop on Pinterest or Ravelry any time you want and there’s a really good chance you’ll find what you’re looking for. From my experience, though, the majority of patterns you find on these platforms are written. Even further more, a lot of pattern creators don’t do both; they don’t make a video AND a pattern. It’s usually one or the other and 9 times out of 10, it’s going to be a written pattern.

– Time consuming

Maybe “convenience” would have been a better note here. The thing about video tutorials is that you’ll always be going one step at a time. I can’t imagine having to pause a video every 10 seconds, or rewinding, just to make sure I did that one stitch correctly. Written patterns are very convenient for this reason. You can easily print out patterns to keep close by; some people even use folders to organize their pattern collection. When you work with a written pattern, it is literally right in front of you to look at any time you need to. No rewinding necessary. You can even write your own notes on the same piece of paper, change around the pattern to suit your liking and highlight anything that may be of interest or something you need to practice. And then there is the next note..

– Ads upon ads

I don’t know about you, but ads irk me when I’m really in to what I’m watching. Sometimes, ads can even work as click bait and get you off track! With a printed pattern (or maybe you save them on your phone like I do?) there is no pausing to watch an ad you’re not interested in. You can, smoothly, carry on working up those stitches and who wants to be interrupted while crocheting? No one, ever!

– Requires an internet connection (usually)

Unless you download a video for offline use, you won’t be able to go back to that video without a data plan while you’re not at home. A lot of people like crocheting while on vacation, in the car (as a passenger, of course!) or maybe you live in the city and use public transportation. No internet = no video or a poor quality video due to a bad or fussy connection. You know what can rectify all these problems? Written patterns.

But.. how does one begin to understand a written pattern? Well, if you continue to follow along with my blog I will be piecing together everything you need to know in order to do just that! So stay tuned, subscribe and keep checking back for more content! Hopefully, in the future, I will also be adding my own YouTube channel for those that like visual help.

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